
The Columbia Journal of European Law is proud to announce our Editorial Board for the 2011-2012 academic year:

Editor-in-Chief: Francesca Sara Campbell
Executive Editor: Chris Jalian
Production Editor: Regina Kim
Head Articles Editors: Maxwell Abbott, Brittany Dillman
Articles Editors: Kaitlyn Ferguson, James Goldfeier, Kalliope Kefallinos, Matthew Zorn
Managing Editors: Sarah Colombo, Michael Hilton, Brittany L. Kaplan, Jeffrey Schatz
Online Supplement Editor: Jacopo Crivellaro
Web Editor: Milosz Morgut

Please join us in congratulating them and wishing them the best of luck next year.

Previous Announcements:

Merger with the Columbia Journal of East European Law

Given the rapid eastward expansion of the European Union, which has added 12 Central and East European nations in the past five years, and the growth of other transnational organizations such as the Council of Europe, the Boards believe that a merger best reflects the growing unity of Europe as a whole. In order to effect these changes, upon the publication of its 2008/09 volume, CJEEL will be subsumed by the current CJEL publication and will cease to exist as a separate publication.  As a result of the merger, the overall focus of CJEL will be shifting. Up to the present, CJEL has been primarily interested in the law and development of the European Union. While that will continue to be its primary focus, it will now add an East European Law Editor, who will be tasked with ensuring that CJEEL’s mission of providing the most timely and provocative scholarship on Russia and the former Soviet Republics, as well as the Balkans, is continued.  We hope that the new, consolidated CJEL will accurately reflect the growing unity on the European continent, while still acknowledging and engaging the persisting differences that lie therein.