Board of Advisors

CJEL‘s Board of Advisors includes many prestigious academics and legal practitioners. The Board’s international membership reflects the Journal’s global reach.


JOHN J. BARCELÓ, III William N. Cromwell Professor of International and Comparative Law, Cornell Law School
ROLAND BIEBER Professor Emeritus and Honorary Director of the LLM Programme, University of Lausanne;
Former Legal Adviser of the European Parliament
RICHARD M. BUXBAUM Jackson H. Ralston Professor of International Law (Emeritus), UC Berkeley School of Law
WILLIAM J. DAVEY Guy R. Jones Chair in Law Emeritus, University of Illinois College of Law
JACQUELINE DUTHEIL DE LA ROCHÈRE Professor Emeritus, Pantheon-Assas University
ELEANOR M. FOX Walter J. Derenberg Professor of Trade Regulation, New York University School of Law
GIORGIO GAJA Judge, International Court of Justice
TREVOR C. HARTLEY Professor Emeritus, London School of Economics and Political Science
PETER HAY Professor Emeritus, Emory University School of Law
MEINHARD HILF Professor Emeritus, Bucerius Law School
JEAN-PAUL JACQUÉ Secretary General, Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA);
Visiting Professor, College of Europe
JAN H. JANS Professor of Administrative Law and Vice Dean, University of Groningen
KONSTANTINOS D. KREMALIS Managing Partner, Kremalis Law Firm
KOEN LENAERTS President, European Court of Justice;
Professor, University of Leuven
ARACELI MANGAS MARTIN Professor, Complutense University of Madrid Faculty of Law
PETROS C. MAVROIDIS Edwin B. Parker Professor of Foreign and Comparative Law, Columbia Law School
FINBARR MURPHY Lecturer in Finance, University of Limerick
DIEGO JAVIER LIÑÁN NOGUERAS  Professor, University of Granada
DAVID O’KEEFFE Professor Emeritus, University College London
INGOLF PERNICE Professor, Humboldt University of Berlin
KATHARINA PISTOR  Walter E. Meyer Research Professor in Law & Social Problems;
Michael I. Sovern Professor of Law, Columbia Law School
RUI MANUEL MOURA RAMOS Professor, University of Coimbra School of Law
WULF-HENNING ROTH Professor, University of Bonn
BERNHARD SCHLOH Professor Emeritus, Free University of Brussels;
Former Legal Counsellor to the Council of the European Union
JOSEPH H.H. WEILER Joseph Straus Professor of Law, New York University School of Law;
President of The European University Institute (EUI), Italy
JOACHIM ZEKOLL Professor, Goethe University Frankfurt

Updated: November 2017