
The Columbia Journal of European Law welcomes submissions in three different formats: academic articles, student notes, and blog posts for Preliminary Reference. Please click on the links to find out more.

If you have any questions about our submissions policy, please email the Editor-in-Chief, Katja van der Wal, at

The submission period for our Spring 2025 issue is now closed. We will start accepting submissions for our Fall 2025 issue later this spring. This submission deadline will be announced here, on our LinkedIn page, and on Scholastica.

Academic Articles

Eligible Authors
We accept submissions from academics and practitioners alike. Current J.D. and LL.M. students may only submit to CJEL through our Student Notes program and Preliminary Reference blog. We do not accept notes or articles from J.D. or LL.M. students at other schools, although we welcome blog submissions from them. Authors published inCJEL will each receive the following complimentary publications: (1) 25 bound, hard copy offprints of their articles and (2) two hard copies of the CJEL issue in which their article has been published.

Scope, Length, and Format
Submissions must deal substantially with a European topic. Articles selected for publications typically range from 20,000 to 40,000 words. Although an initial submission in either Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word is acceptable, we require the use of Microsoft Word throughout the editing process.

Style and Citations
Submissions must be in English and preferably conform to the Bluebook style of legal citation. Please note that Bluebook citations almost always include a “pincite”—that is, a specific page or paragraph number or range—showing where a quotation, paraphrase, or idea is supported in the source. If a reader unfamiliar with the source could not easily locate the textual support for your statement, the pincite is insufficiently precise.

Application Process
A complete application includes the article, an abstract, a word count, and the author’s CV or resume. We prefer to receive article submissions through Scholastica, although authors may also submit by email to

Please do not submit the same article more than once or by more than one delivery method.

The submission deadline for the Spring 2025 issue is November 30.

Expedited Review
If you have received an offer of publication from another journal and seek expedited review, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, Katja van der Wal, at, using the subject line “Expedited Review.” In the email body, please include the title of the article, the journal(s) from which you have an offer of publication, and the date by which you must receive a decision from CJEL.

Student Notes

Columbia Law School J.D. and LL.M. student notes are considered only through the Journal’s internal notes competition. At this time, we do not accept submissions from current J.D. and LL.M. students at other schools, but we encourage them to submit posts for our blog, Preliminary Reference.

Preliminary Reference

CJEL’s blog, Preliminary Reference, provides a forum for discussions of topical legal issues in Europe. We welcome submissions for posts from legal scholars, practitioners, and students from any school. Blog posts should be brief (about 1,000 words), cited as necessary (hyperlinks are preferred), and ready for publication. We automatically reject any blog submissions longer than 4,000 words.

To submit a post or to ask questions regarding the blog, please email the Editor-in-Chief, Katja van der Wal, at