Case Law: Joined Cases C-34/95, C-35/95 and C-36/95. Konsumentenombudsmannen (KO) v. De Agostini (Svenska) Förlag AB and Konsumentenombudsmannen (KO) v. TV-Shop i Sverige AB, (Eur. Ct. J. July 9, 1997) (Not yet Reported)

3 Colum. J. Eur. L. 479 (1997)

Amaryllis Verhoeven. Fellow, Fund for the Scientific Research-Flanders, Institute for European Law, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.

These cases, which came by way of a preliminary reference, concern the compatibility with Community law of Swedish rules on misleading advertising and advertising aimed at children, insofar as the national rules are applied to broadcasts transmitted from another Member State. In these cases, the Court of Justice clarifies the application of Council Directive 89/552/EEC of October 3, 1989, which coordinates certain national provisions concerning television broadcasting and is commonly called the “Television without Frontiers” Directive (hereinafter, the “TwF-Directive”)1, as well as of Articles 30 and 59 of the EC Treaty with respect to national restrictions on television advertising.